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How to make a monster

작성자 사진: James TeacherJames Teacher

Wait...noooooooo! Monster’s are the things that terrify and horrify and give us the willies, but why? Let’s consider a case study. Consider every dragon🐲 in every fairy tale or story. These creatures are maligned by EVERYONE (think about the beginning of How to Train Your Dragon!). They are constantly hunted and chased. Why? Dragons are just doing what every single living thing does, trying to survive and reproduce. Think about how you feel about a lovely, cuddly rabbit hopping around on the grass playfully while its young grow up. Dragons have babies, too! So do rats. So do a Black Mamba (a highly poisonous snake). We’re all just trying to get along! SO let’s make one! I give thee….evolution! Now, the most sedate way to create a monster would be to rely on evolution. Every single organism has evolved to match its environment and thrive in it. Well, except for sloths, who though they possess huge, gnarly claws, move incredibly slowly! I’ve been racking my brain for why this offers any kind of advantage? You tell me! Evolution allowed humans to develop feet with arches to hold their weights, eyebrows to trap rain, and an appendix to ...oh wait, we don’t need that anymore and it loves to burst (perhaps it’s irate because it’s bored!). Evolution formed every single organism around us! A dragon will take a while, but if you can find a way to make an animal NEED to fly, breathe fire, and be HUGE, you might have a chance.

Hack science! Science is sooooooo coooooooooooooool! You can do all kinds of things. Modern science is investigating gene therapy. Genes are made of DNA (the thing with instructions about how to make YOU, you wonderful YOU, you. If we can change genes, we can turn off some genes that cause certain traits, and turn ON some other genes. Muwahahahahahahaha! Now, we can turn on some radical things, or even...we need to whisper in case someone overhears….introduce some SPECIAL ingredients. *Cue Mad Scientist laugh* We can add fire-breathing. We can introduce huge wings! We can inject a dash of huge-NESS. All we need to do is change those squiggly genes!

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Now, know this. With great power comes great responsibility. Someone said that, I’m sure! You’re going to use gene therapy to MAKE a monster and I must caution you. All manner of things could go wrong. You might turn on the wrong thing and make a dragon that can’t fly or one that farts 💨 fire rather than breathes it! Scorchio! Your immense scientific power could...well...destroy the entire world! Imagine a scorching, angry dragon (because it keeps farting fire) rampaging across the world with you in its teeth and your teacher in its talons! You could make a Pikachu, but...wait...that little dude is going to fry everyone!􏱈 􏱠􏱤􏰯􏱼􏱳 􏱵􏳝 􏱶􏱱 􏱳􏲂􏱲􏱽􏱡􏱸􏲂􏱱 􏱳􏱡􏱤􏱴􏱷 􏱴􏱵􏲱􏱞􏳛 􏱸􏱡􏱲􏱻􏲉􏲲􏲲􏲲 􏱠􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱳 􏱡􏱤􏲄􏱻 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼􏱳􏱯 􏰶􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼 􏱳􏲁􏱳􏱸􏱻􏰯􏱤􏰯􏲱􏱻 􏳫􏱸􏱵 􏱻􏱤􏱸 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱼􏱴􏱲􏰯􏱞􏳬􏳛 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼 􏱳􏱷􏱤􏲱􏱻 􏱸􏱵 􏱳􏲂􏱻􏱻􏱷 􏱲􏰯􏳛 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼 􏱳􏱡􏱻􏲂􏱸􏱻􏱴􏳛 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼 􏱡􏱵􏱶􏱻􏱾􏱵􏱴􏱞􏳨􏱯􏱤􏱡􏱯􏱯􏱯􏱾􏱻􏲂􏲂􏳛 􏱶􏱤􏱱􏱑􏱻 􏰯􏱵􏱸 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱵􏰯􏱻􏱯 􏰶􏱡􏱻􏱳􏱻 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼􏱳 􏱤􏱴􏱻 􏱑􏱤􏱳􏱲􏲱 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏲁􏰯􏱲􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱳􏱤􏲂 􏳫􏲉􏱵􏱴 􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱􏱵􏰯􏱻􏳬􏱯 􏰥􏱤􏰯􏱱􏳛 􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱱􏳛 􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱱􏳛 􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱱􏳛 􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱱 􏱟􏲃􏲅 􏱱􏱻􏱤􏱴􏱳 􏱤􏱽􏱵􏳛 􏱵􏲁􏱴 􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱 􏱡􏱤􏱲􏱴􏱱 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱵􏱼􏱼 􏱡􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯 􏱤􏰯􏲱􏱻􏱳􏱸􏱵􏱴􏱳 􏱡􏱤􏱼 􏱑􏱤􏱳􏱲􏲱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼􏱳􏱯 􏰶􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼􏱻􏱼 􏱤 􏱳􏱷􏱤􏲱􏱻 􏱲􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱴􏱲􏲄􏱻􏱴 􏱸􏱵 􏲱􏱤􏱸􏲱􏱡 􏲈􏱳􏱡􏱯 􏱅􏱵􏳛 􏱲􏲉 􏱤􏰯􏱵􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱡􏱤􏱲􏱴􏱱􏳛 􏱵􏱼􏱼 􏱼􏲁􏱼􏱻 􏲉􏱴􏱵􏱶 􏱤􏰯􏱵􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱸􏱴􏱲􏱑􏱻 􏱾􏱤􏲂􏱞􏱻􏱼 􏱵􏲄􏱻􏱴 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱾􏱤􏲄􏱻􏱼 􏱡􏱲􏱳 􏲈􏱳􏱸􏱳 􏱤􏰯􏱽􏱴􏱲􏲂􏱱 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱳􏱡􏱵􏲁􏱸􏱻􏱼 􏱲􏰯 􏲀􏱤􏲄􏱻􏲯􏲂􏱲􏱳􏱡􏳛 􏳩􏰥􏱱 􏱴􏱲􏲄􏱻􏱴􏳛 􏱶􏱱 􏲈􏱳􏱡􏱯 􏲇􏱻􏱸 􏲂􏱵􏱳􏱸􏲲􏲲􏲲􏳪􏳛 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱵􏰯􏲂􏱱 􏱴􏱻􏱳􏱷􏱵􏰯􏱳􏱻 􏱲􏱳 􏱴􏲁􏰯 􏱤􏱾􏱤􏱱 􏲂􏱲􏱞􏱻 􏱤 􏲱􏱡􏱲􏲱􏱞􏱻􏰯 􏱵􏱴 􏱸􏱵 􏱾􏱤􏲄􏱻 􏱱􏱵􏲁􏱴 􏲉􏱻􏱻􏱸􏳛 􏱳􏱸􏱵􏱶􏱷 􏱵􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱽􏱴􏱵􏲁􏰯􏱼􏳛 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱸􏱡􏱴􏱵􏱾 􏱤 􏱳􏱸􏱵􏰯􏱻 􏱤􏱸 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱵􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱡􏱤􏱲􏱴􏱱􏳛 􏱵􏱼􏱼 􏱼􏲁􏱼􏱻 􏱸􏱵 􏱷􏱴􏱵􏱸􏱻􏲱􏱸 􏱱􏱵􏲁􏱴 􏱴􏱻􏱳􏱵􏲁􏱴􏲱􏱻􏱯 􏰹 􏲈􏱳􏱡 􏲉􏱵􏱴 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱸􏱴􏱲􏱑􏱻 􏱵􏱴 􏰯􏱵 􏲈􏱳􏱡 􏲉􏱵􏱴 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱸􏱴􏱲􏱑􏱻 􏲱􏱵􏲁􏲂􏱼 􏱶􏱻􏱤􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱸􏱴􏱲􏱑􏱻 􏱳􏲁􏱴􏲄􏱲􏲄􏱻􏱳 􏱵􏱴 􏰯􏱵􏱸􏱯 􏰹 􏲂􏱵􏲄􏱻􏲂􏱱 􏱑􏱵􏱾􏲂 􏱵􏲉 􏱵􏱲􏲂 􏱳􏱵􏲁􏱷 􏱅􏱲􏰯􏲱􏱻 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱲􏰯􏱼􏲁􏱳􏱸􏱴􏱲􏱤􏲂 􏱴􏱻􏲄􏱵􏲂􏲁􏱸􏱲􏱵􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽􏱳 􏱡􏱤􏲄􏱻 􏱑􏱻􏱻􏰯 􏱤 􏱑􏱲􏱸 􏱼􏱲􏳝􏱻􏱴􏱻􏰯􏱸􏱯 􏱰􏱻􏱿􏲄􏱻 􏱶􏱤􏱼􏱻 􏱶􏱤􏲱􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱻􏱳􏲲 􏰥􏰹􏲀􏱠􏲜􏱇􏲵􏱅 􏰶􏱠􏰹􏰶 􏱰􏲜􏱍􏱍 􏰶􏰹􏲗􏲵 􏰽􏰩􏲵􏰵 􏰶􏱠􏲵 􏱰􏰽􏰵􏱍􏱄 􏰹􏱇􏱄 􏰥􏰹􏲗􏲵 􏱭􏱅 􏰶􏱠􏲵􏲜􏰵 􏱠􏱭􏰥􏰹􏱇 􏱅􏲵􏰵􏰩􏰹􏱇􏰶􏱅 􏰹􏱇􏱄􏳨􏱯􏱯􏱯􏰽􏰯􏱻 􏱶􏱵􏱶􏱻􏰯􏱸􏳛 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱳􏲱􏱤􏱴􏱻􏱼 􏱶􏱻􏳨􏳨􏱯􏱯􏰥􏱤􏲱􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱻􏱳 􏱶􏱤􏱼􏱻 􏱤􏲂􏲂 􏱞􏱲􏰯􏱼􏱳 􏱵􏲉 􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽􏱳 􏱷􏱵􏱳􏱳􏱲􏱑􏲂􏱻 􏱑􏱻􏲱􏱤􏲁􏱳􏱻 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏱤􏱴􏱻 􏱳􏱲􏱶􏱷􏲂􏱱 􏱳􏱵 􏱶􏲁􏲱􏱡 􏲉􏱤􏱳􏱸􏱻􏱴 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏰯 􏱾􏱻􏱤􏱞􏳛 􏱳􏲂􏱵􏱾􏳛 􏱴􏲁􏱑􏱑􏱲􏱳􏱡 􏱡􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯 􏱑􏱵􏱼􏱲􏱻􏱳􏱯 􏱰􏱲􏱸􏱡 􏱤 􏲱􏱵􏲱􏱵􏰯􏲁􏱸 􏱳􏱶􏱤􏱳􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏱶􏱤􏲱􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱻􏳛 􏱱􏱵􏲁 􏲱􏱤􏰯 􏱳􏱶􏱤􏱳􏱡 􏱤􏱑􏱵􏲁􏱸 􏱤 􏱶􏱲􏲂􏲂􏱲􏱵􏰯 􏲱􏱵􏲱􏱵􏰯􏲁􏱸􏱳 􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱 􏱡􏱵􏲁􏱴 􏱾􏱡􏱲􏲂􏱻 􏱤 􏱡􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯 􏱾􏱲􏲂􏲂 􏱑􏱻 􏱸􏱴􏱱􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏲉􏱵􏱴 􏲮 􏱾􏱻􏱻􏱞􏱳 􏱸􏱵 􏱑􏱴􏱻􏱤􏱞 􏱤 􏲱􏱵􏲱􏱵􏰯􏲁􏱸 􏱾􏱲􏱸􏱡 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱲􏱴 􏱡􏱤􏰯􏱼􏱳 􏳫􏱱􏱵􏲁 􏲱􏱵􏲁􏲂􏱼 􏱸􏱡􏱴􏱵􏱾 􏱲􏱸 􏱤􏱸 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏲸􏱵􏱵􏱴􏳛 􏱼􏱵􏱵􏲉􏲁􏱳􏲲􏳬􏱯 􏰥􏱤􏲱􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱻􏱳 􏱶􏱤􏱞􏱻 􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏱤􏱴􏱵􏲁􏰯􏱼 􏱱􏱵􏲁 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼 􏱻􏰯􏱻􏱴􏱽􏱱 􏱸􏱵 􏱵􏱷􏱻􏱴􏱤􏱸􏱻􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱾􏱵􏱴􏱞􏱯 􏱰􏱡􏱤􏱸􏱿􏱳 􏱤 􏱽􏱴􏱻􏱤􏱸 􏱾􏱤􏱱 􏱸􏱵 􏱽􏱻􏰯􏱻􏱴􏱤􏱸􏱻 􏱻􏰯􏱻􏱴􏱽􏱱􏱹 􏴬􏴭􏴮􏴮􏴯 􏴰􏴱 􏴲􏴰􏴳􏴴􏴵􏴭 􏴶􏴷 􏴶􏴵 􏴷􏴰 􏴵􏴭􏴷 􏴷􏴸􏴶􏴹􏴺􏴵 􏴰􏴹 􏴱􏴶􏴴􏴭 􏴻􏴹􏴼 􏴽􏴳􏴴􏴹 􏴷􏴸􏴭􏴾􏴿􏴿􏴿 􏴾􏴳􏵀􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴸􏴻􏴿 􏱗􏲁􏱴􏰯􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏲉􏱵􏱳􏱳􏱲􏲂 􏲉􏲁􏱻􏲂􏱳 􏱴􏱻􏲂􏱻􏱤􏱳􏱻􏱳 􏱡􏲁􏱽􏱻 􏱤􏱶􏱵􏲁􏰯􏱸􏱳 􏱵􏲉 􏱻􏰯􏱻􏱴􏱽􏱱 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱱􏱵􏲁 􏲱􏱤􏰯 􏲁􏱳􏱻􏳛 􏱳􏱵􏳛 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏱸􏱿􏱳 􏱾􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱􏱑􏱵􏱼􏱱 􏱼􏱲􏱼 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱾􏱻 􏱤􏲂􏲂 􏲂􏱤􏲁􏱽􏱡􏱻􏱼 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱳􏱶􏱲􏲂􏱻􏱼􏳛 􏱻􏱟􏲱􏱻􏱷􏱸 􏱾􏱡􏱻􏰯 􏱾􏱻 􏱾􏱻􏱴􏱻 􏲱􏱵􏲁􏱽􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏱑􏱻􏲱􏱤􏲁􏱳􏱻 􏱵􏲉 􏱤􏲂􏲂 􏱵􏲉 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱳􏱵􏱵􏱸􏱱 􏱷􏱵􏲂􏲂􏲁􏱸􏱲􏱵􏰯 􏱲􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱤􏱲􏱴􏲲 􏲇􏲁􏱻􏱳􏱳 􏱾􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱷􏱻􏱵􏱷􏲂􏱻 􏱳􏱸􏱤􏱴􏱸􏱻􏱼 􏲈􏱽􏱡􏱸􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏱵􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱹 􏰽􏱲􏲂􏲲􏲲􏲲 􏰹􏱳 􏰯􏱵􏱾􏳛 􏱵􏱲􏲂 􏱾􏱤􏱳 􏱤 􏱑􏱤􏱳􏱲􏲱 􏰯􏱻􏱻􏱼 􏲉􏱵􏱴 􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱􏱑􏱵􏱼􏱱􏲲 􏲜 􏱑􏱻􏲂􏱲􏱻􏲄􏱻 􏱲􏰯 􏱤 􏱽􏲁􏱱 􏱾􏱲􏱸􏱡 􏱑􏱻􏱤􏱴􏱼 􏱾􏱡􏱵 􏲂􏱲􏲄􏱻􏱳 􏱲􏰯 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏲱􏲂􏱵􏲁􏱼􏱳􏱯􏱯􏱯 􏰹 􏲂􏱵􏱸 􏱵􏲉 􏱷􏱻􏱵􏱷􏲂􏱻 􏱑􏱻􏲂􏱲􏱻􏲄􏱻 􏱲􏰯 􏱤 􏱽􏲁􏱱 􏱾􏱲􏱸􏱡 􏱤 􏱑􏱻􏱤􏱴􏱼 􏱾􏱡􏱵 􏲂􏱲􏲄􏱻􏱳 􏱲􏰯 􏲱􏲂􏱵􏲁􏱼􏱳􏱯 􏰽􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱷􏱻􏱵􏱷􏲂􏱻 􏱑􏱻􏲂􏱲􏱻􏲄􏱻 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱾􏱡􏱻􏰯 􏱱􏱵􏲁 􏱼􏱲􏱻􏳛 􏱱􏱵􏲁 􏱑􏱻􏲱􏱵􏱶􏱻 􏱤􏰯􏱵􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱤􏰯􏱲􏱶􏱤􏲂􏱯 􏰽􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴􏱳 􏱑􏱻􏲂􏱲􏱻􏲄􏱻 􏱲􏰯 􏱤 􏱽􏱲􏱤􏰯􏱸 􏱷􏱲􏰯􏱞 􏱻􏲂􏱻􏱷􏱡􏱤􏰯􏱸􏳭􏱶􏱤􏰯 􏱾􏱲􏱸􏱡 􏲉􏱵􏲁􏱴 􏱤􏱴􏱶􏱳􏱯 􏱠􏱵􏱾 􏱤􏱑􏱵􏲁􏱸 􏱤 􏱽􏱴􏱵􏲁􏱷 􏱵􏲉 􏱽􏱵􏱼􏱳 􏱾􏱡􏱵 􏲂􏱲􏲄􏱻 􏱵􏰯 􏰥􏱵􏲁􏰯􏱸 􏰽􏲂􏱱􏱶􏱷􏲁􏱳 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏱤􏱴􏱽􏲁􏱻 􏱾􏱲􏱸􏱡 􏱻􏱤􏲱􏱡 􏱵􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱤􏲂􏲂 􏱼􏱤􏱱 􏲂􏱵􏰯􏱽􏱹 􏱠􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱳 􏱡􏱤􏲄􏱻 􏱑􏱻􏲂􏱲􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱼 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏲱􏱵􏰯􏱸􏱲􏰯􏲁􏱻 􏱸􏱵 􏱑􏱻􏲂􏱲􏱻􏲄􏱻 􏱲􏰯 􏱼􏱲􏳝􏱻􏱴􏱻􏰯􏱸 􏱽􏱵􏱼􏱳􏱯 􏰶􏱡􏱻􏱱 􏱳􏱸􏱲􏲂􏲂 􏱼􏱵􏱯 􏱅􏱵􏱶􏱻􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏱸􏱡􏱤􏱸 􏱡􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱳 􏲂􏱵􏲄􏱻 􏱸􏱵 􏱡􏱤􏱸􏱻 􏱤􏱑􏱵􏲁􏱸 􏱻􏱤􏲱􏱡 􏱵􏱸􏱡􏱻􏱴 􏱤􏱴􏱻 􏱼􏱲􏱳􏱷􏱤􏱴􏱤􏱸􏱻 􏱲􏱼􏱻􏱤􏱳 􏱵􏱴 􏲱􏱡􏱤􏱴􏱤􏲱􏱸􏱻􏱴􏱲􏱳􏱸􏱲􏲱􏱳􏱯 􏳩􏳜􏱵􏲁 􏲂􏱵􏲄􏱻 􏱸􏱡􏱻 􏱻􏲂􏱻􏱷􏱡􏱤􏰯􏱸􏱹 􏱍􏱻􏱸􏱿􏱳 􏲈􏱽􏱡􏱸􏲲􏳪 􏳩􏳜􏱵􏲁 􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱞 􏱾􏱻 􏱳􏱡􏱵􏲁􏲂􏱼 􏱡􏱤􏲄􏱻 􏱽􏱵􏲂􏱼 􏱲􏰯 􏲱􏱡􏲁􏱴􏲱􏱡􏱻􏱳􏳛 􏲜 􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱞 􏱾􏱻 􏱳􏱡􏱵􏲁􏲂􏱼􏰯􏱿􏱸􏲲 􏲂􏱻􏱸􏱿􏱳 􏲈􏱽􏱡􏱸􏲲􏳪􏱯 􏱠􏲁􏱶􏱤􏰯􏱳 􏲈􏱽􏱡􏱸 􏱵􏲄􏱻􏱴 􏱻􏲄􏱻􏱴􏱱􏱸􏱡􏱲􏰯􏱽 􏱤􏰯􏱼 􏲈􏱽􏱡􏱸􏱳 􏱸􏲁􏱴􏰯 􏱲􏰯􏱸􏱵 􏱾􏱤􏱴􏱳􏱯

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