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Science Class

Science (Junior)

We watch tons of videos and teach lots of ideas in our classes. These are some of the videos we found, loved, and think you could learn something from. Use this PDF template to take notes:

Why is glass transparent? - Mark Miodownik
How batteries work - Adam Jacobson
Newton's Laws: Crash Course Physics #5
A brief history of plastic
The Truth About Nuclear Energy
World's Most Asked Questions: What Is Energy?
What Is Light?
What Is a Molecule?
Metals & Ceramics: Crash Course Engineering #19
How heavy is air? - Dan Quinn
Light waves, visible and invisible
Why is cotton in everything? - Michael R. Stiff
Introduction to Geology
Electromagnetism 101 | National Geographic
Magnetism: Crash Course Physics #32
The Physics of Heat: Crash Course Physics #22

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