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Jool Study Guides - Guns, Germs, and Steel - Chapter 13 - Part 1

The BigĀ Ideas - Necessityā€™s MotherĀ Chapter 13 (Part 1 - the first 50% of the chapter)

Considerably richerā€¦brainer than YOU!!!

Why did most monumental inventions in history emerge from European nations and not in Australia or Sub-Saharan Africa šŸŒ? Is it because the marvellous Europeans in their pantaloons were just a bit cleverererer (tricky that one)? šŸ¤” A European might tell you itā€™s simply because theyā€™re a massive bunch of smarty-pants with innate genius šŸ§ . Is there another explanation? I hope so because I really donā€™t want to accept the idea that some people are naturally more sagacious than others šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Thankfully, Diamond, our faithful friend, is here to explain šŸ“šāœØ.

Invention leads to invention

Say you invent an automatic tooth extraction device for dogs šŸ¶. The device strokes the dog, coos softly to lull it into a peaceful and tranquil state šŸŽ¶, and then gently pulls the decayed and dangerous tooth out šŸ˜·. Naturally, being the wily business-savvy people you are, you immediately think about developing a human version šŸ‘©ā€šŸ”¬. All you need to do is cross out ā€˜dogā€™ and write ā€˜humanā€™ instead šŸ”„. Humans love to be petted and cooed to, so all is in order šŸ˜Œ. Thomas Edisonā€™s phonograph machine, first built in 1877 to record, rather soberly, the dying words of people about to pop their clogs, and other very serious, ever so serious functions, became a jukebox for people to play music šŸŽµ. Edison wasnā€™t thrilled because he was a bit of a bore šŸ™„, but it teaches us a fine lesson. One invention can be adapted into another and another. It starts a chain of events ā›“ļø.


Take James Watt, the genius inventor of the steam engine šŸš‚. It was used at first to pump out water from mines, but then went on to power ships šŸš¢, trains šŸš†, and the latest version of our Dog Human Tooth Extraction Device (available atĀ šŸ¶šŸ¦·. Except, Watt was inspired by watching a steam engine invented 57 years earlier by Thomas Newicome! What a cheater! šŸ˜² Should we dismiss people like Edison and Watt as flagrant copycats and wipe them from the annals of history? Not really - itā€™s a bit too far šŸ¤”. Should we recognise, according to Diamond, the relationship between invention and next invention? Abso-steamy-lutely šŸŒŸ. Human nature dictates that we observe things around us and develop it šŸ§ šŸ’”.

Tinker, tailor, spy, llama

The ancient world was no different, really šŸ˜Œ. Humans love to tinker šŸ”§. Have you ever seen your Dad inventing a solution to a problem that doesnā€™t really matter, but heā€™s insanely bored so ploughs ahead? I have šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø. My Dad couldnā€™t stop tinkering with things that didnā€™t need to be fixed or invented šŸ› ļø. Now, I do the same. Tinkering led to glass windows from the random discovery of melted limestone and sand šŸŗ. The ancient Greeks tinkered and messed around with petroleum, pitch, and other lovely chemicals like quicklime (donā€™t get THAT in your eyes - baby shampoo it is NOT! šŸ˜‚) and invented incendiary devices šŸ”„. Were a few people blown up completely? Sure! šŸ’„ But tinkering changed the world šŸŒ. The Islamic Empire invented grenades šŸ’£. The Chinese cooked up gunpowder šŸ’Ø. The world tinkered their way to guns šŸ”«.

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