Word of the Week Contest! Use this word in a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) that is interesting and representative of the word and its meaning. Add a spectacular, amusing GIF to demonstrate your idea! Base your paragraph on a GIF you find to show the word, and, of course, EXPLAIN it and JUSTIFY it! The winner (the student who has the BEST use of the word and JUSTIFICATION for it) will be awarded 10 Jool class minutes of FREE TIME when the STUDENT (NOT the teacher) gets to decide what to do! 10 minutes to control your Jool class as you like! The winner will be announced here at the beginning of every new week. THE WORD OF THE WEEK (March 11-17) is PERNICIOUS. Now, go crazy, and post your answers here! :D
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Pernicious means having a very harmful effect or influence.
I think media addiction is pernicious because it makes lots of harmful situations. It can easily make people neglect important matters and makes them look at their devices every moment. This could lead them into serious health problems like turtle neck syndrome and growth imbalance. Another harmful effect could be traffic accidents where people can’t notice any obstacles while watching their devices.
I think that beer is pernicious, because if you drink so much beer or alcohol it makes your soul confuse so it can lead to a lot of dangerous situation like driving a car with which your are dead drunk!
Ryan says:
"Plastic pollution is pernicious, because when trash ends up in the sea, the turtles eat the plastic and die. Animals that eat turtles, like the snake shark, die too because there is nothing to eat!"
I believe that caffeine can be PERNICIOUS. ☕️ This is because caffeine overdose may lead to brain stimulation, irregular heartbeat, insomnia, and other disorders. 😨
Cellphones are PERNICIOUS because if we play so much games it would hurt our health physically and mentally
I think PERNICIOUS means being harmful in a gradual way.
COVID-19 was pernicious because they had terrible effects on humans.
Pernicious I think it means harmful
Sentence: I think that liquid is pernicious