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Student Spotlight
Sohyun - A letter to Anne Frank
Jay - Why does proximity play such a crucial role in technological diffusion_.mp4
Hannah - PESTEL Analysis of the Gutenberg Press.mp4
Why, Why, Why_ by Jayden.mp4
Yeonwoo - U.S Hypocrisy.mp4
Claire - Chapter 3.mp4
Ethan - Solar Panel Factories.mp4
Rosabelle - Polymath - 4.01.mp4
Jion - Polymath - Patrick Teacher.mp4
Leah - Andy Teacher
Lily - History & Sociology 6-1 - James Teacher
Yeonwoo - Biology - Kirsty Teacher
Jenny - Biology - Kirsty Teacher
Yuna - Polymath 1-4 - Ben Teacher
Stephanie - Polymath 1-15
Logan - Polymath 1-1 - Rebecca Teacher
Claire - Junior - History-Sociology 2-6.mp4
Minye - Ben Teacher
Claire - 2nd Grade
Ian - 7th Grade - The Cause of Happiness 1/3
Ethan - Polymath - Jacob Teacher.mp4
Wonderful work, Ethan! ^^
Ian - 7th Grade - The Cause of Happiness 2/3
Ian - 7th Grade - The Cause of Happiness 3/3
Jenny - 1/3
Jenny - 2/3
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