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How we make our English classes brilliant - our teachers

There are a million different ways and schools and academies in the world that can teach English. Some are good. Some are terrible. Some are mediocre. Some are brilliant. We try to be more than brilliant. It's not easy, but that's the point of what Jool does. When I founded Jool, I was ready to walk away from the education industry forever because I was totally disenchanted by the standards and quality that schools were offering.

Jool started simply because my old students reached out to me when I was in England and asked to do a few online classes with me. Next thing you know, Jool was formed. However, my plan was to be different from the start and be the best English school in the world. Here's how we do it:

Concept #1 - Hire the best teachers

I'm sure you're thinking, "Everyone says that!", but we're a bit unique in the way hire our teachers. We have a simple concept that we're looking for in every single teacher who works at Jool - are they going to dazzle students? Are they part of the 1% of teachers who LOVE teaching, LOVE kids, and have a LOVEly personality? Usually, teachers aren't. That's why we reject about 99.9% of teachers who apply even IF they are incredibly qualified. We only hire people who LOVE this job.

Concept #2 - Continuous improvement

Like a lot of jobs, when you've been a teacher for a long time, people stop checking the quality of your work. They trust your experience. We don't do that because we believe that every minute of every class should be fantastic. If our class is 60 minutes long, we want the students to get the BEST outcome from every second. That means CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT from every teacher and every class. We don't mind giving really direct feedback to our teachers if it means that the classes improve. It's part of what makes us special. We have a relentless drive to improve every class and every teacher. We check the classes, we create development plans for every teacher, and we work with them closely to improve every aspect of their teaching.

"We have a relentless drive to improve every class and every teacher." – James Teacher

Concept #3 - Make it personal

At Jool, we aim to keep it small. During covid, we had an 18 month waiting list for interviews to join our class. People were desperate to take online classes and it would have been very easy to open the door to every single student, but we didn't. My intention from the start of Jool was to make it truly wonderful and that needs time and care. I speak to every teacher personally. I know every student's progress, and I watch every class as much as I can. I also still teach because it's such a vital part of understanding how to improve Jool. So, because we take such a personal approach to our students, teachers, and school, we can pay attention to the small details that make the difference between our students achieving their objectives or not. We're a family at Jool.

Join the family

No teacher, school, class, or person is ever perfect, but we aim to be 99.9% perfect. 😉

Come and join the family: Book a level test Regards, James Teacher

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