By an unknown (not really) author

My heart, my heart is just a giant🧴 pump. “I will prevail” it shouts with a strong ‘thump, thump’
One thump per ventricle, the muscles 💪 of the heart. They push blood to my muscles especially when I FAAAART💨.
Blood’s the key you see,
for without the oxygen it carries, you’d be weaker than a pea.
Arteries leave the heart with boxes 📦 of oxygen and deliver 📫 it to my body parts.
Veins bring back that blood to my heart with just CO2 in their carts🪫.
Without my heart I’d be as dead as a 🚪doornail,
so I do my best to not let my ticker fail.
Be sure to keep it strong with lots of exercise,
To keep you thump thumping for every glorious sunrise🌅.